Green Candle Dance Company is 30!

Happy New Year from the team at Green Candle Dance Company. It’s 2017 and it’s a big year for us as we turn 30! We’re celebrating throughout 2017 – taking a look back at our performances and projects, and the dancers and participants who have connected with us along the way.


Green Candle Dance Company has constantly evolved throughout our 30 years and we stay relevant by connecting directly with our communities and staying firmly rooted in our belief that everyone has the right to practice, watch and participate in dance.


Join us as we give you a snapshot into the multiplicity of past and present work of Green Candle Dance Company. We will be reflecting on our successes with messages from the people who have contributed to making Green Candle Dance Company what it is today. You will see our archive memories and messages from Green Candle friends on social media with the hashtag #30greenmemories. In addition we will have a whole host of activities and a big celebratory event in September. Join us in celebrating our birthday with the hashtag #30greencandles


We look forward to celebrating with you!

~ The Green Candle Team ~