We are pleased to announce that we have new copies of our Falling About and Moving About DVD back in stock and available from our online shop.
Falling About is Green Candle Dance Company’s entertaining and moving 2007 production which tells the story of Ruby’s life through the metaphor of falling-learning to walk as a baby through falling, the moral falls of a teenager, the mature woman falling in love, the physical fall of an older woman-and reveals the power of dance to help recovery from all these falls.
Moving About is a teaching resource, showing two model dance workshops for older people, one for seated and one for standing participants, with a detailed commentary on soundtrack and subtitles. All the elements of a safe and effective dance session are clearly demonstrated and analysed in both sample workshops: the warm-up, stretches involving all the main muscles group, some examples of choreography and a cool-down.
Buy it now from our online shop